Johannes Schmitt

I am a SwissMAP Research Fellow at the ETH Zürich. Before this, I was a PhD student of Rahul Pandharipande at ETH Zürich, and a Postdoc in Bonn (with Daniel Huybrechts) and Zürich (with Andrew Kresch). My CV can be found here.

Phone +41446323136
Adress Department Mathematik
Rämistrasse 101
CH-8092 Zürich
Office HG J16.1


401-3146-12L - Algebraic Geometry (Spring term 2024)

MAT016 - Proofs from The Book (Spring term 2023)

MAT773 - Topics in convex geometry (Fall term 2022)

MAT007 - Introduction to computer algebra and mathematical programming (Spring term 2022)

MAT952 - Expander graphs (Fall term 2021)

V5A4 - Selected Topics in Algebraic Geometry - The moduli space of curves (Summer term 2020)

Research Interests

Algebraic geometry, Moduli spaces of curves, Geometric Invariant Theory, Algebraic stacks, Tautological cycles, Hurwitz spaces, Chow groups

Algebraic geometry * parts I and II of this preprint originally appeared as a single paper in 2020 and were split in 2021

Other subjects ** This journal article is a combination of the two conference papers submitted to MFCS 2021 and ICALP 2021.
*** This paper presents a large-scale benchmark for assessing advanced AI capabilities, consisting of approximately 3000 expert-level questions across various academic disciplines, submitted by nearly 1000 subject experts. My contribution comprised 25 questions, mostly in mathematics.

Lecture notes

The moduli space of curves (Summer 2020)

A Sage package for calculations in the tautological ring of \(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}\) and computation of cycles of admissible covers (joint with V. Delecroix, J. van Zelm)


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